Dr. Jan and I (Lindsey)held a planning session recently to discuss the creation of B.O.S.S. Talks Radio – Business Opportunity Success System.
I edited it minimally and now I present Dr. Jan and Mr. Lindsey at their relaxed best.
Proven programs that grow great businesses for great people who care.
Dr. Jan and I (Lindsey)held a planning session recently to discuss the creation of B.O.S.S. Talks Radio – Business Opportunity Success System.
I edited it minimally and now I present Dr. Jan and Mr. Lindsey at their relaxed best.
Can you take the 40K Owner’s point of view with your business? Photo credit: NASA.gov
The “40,000 Foot Owners View” symbolizes the number one rule for owners who want to be successful: stay at the 40,000 foot level for planning and making decisions instead of getting bogged down in the day-to-day weeds of running and managing the business. This is especially important when using networking to grow a business. It’s a critical skill owners must have in order to survive the challenges and take advantage of opportunities. [Read more…]
Is determining the best price a problem? Photo by luz from flickr.
Are you having trouble determining how to set the best price for your products or services? That seems to be a common problem for owners of independent businesses.
Do it right and customers will be content, happy to pay you what you deserve, and you’ll be around. Do it wrong and you won’t. It’s that simple. [Read more…]
Evaluate your 1st quarter financials to get higher profitability going forward. Image by Photosteve101 from flickr.com.
The true value of 1st quarter financials goes way beyond just the raw numbers. Because of that, your monthly close out is more important and there are do’s and don’ts that are unique to this quarter.
Completing the prioritized tasks gives the owner or manager a perfect opportunity to refine their vision for the year. Using the resulting information can make the last three quarters more productive and more profitable. This will keep you out of the weeds and create the 40,000 foot owner/investor perspective you need to make a better future. [Read more…]
Bright idea: make more money by hiring a Virtual Sales Manager Photo by EJ Posselius.
Does replacing yourself as the salesperson sound ideal? If you hate to sell, maybe you’ve thought about hiring someone to do sales for you. Maybe you don’t want to have just an employee. Maybe you’re looking for a Virtual Sales Manager to manage the whole process and help sell.
They do exist. I do it for some of my clients. Not all of them are one person operations either!
How do you make sure they’re the right person or you’re hiring the right company? Be careful! [Read more…]
It was a great experience meeting and talking with SXSW Interactive Festival director Hugh Forrest.
I’m taking a different approach towards starting up my own self-sustaining business. What long-time and successful business owners were able to offer me, a musician by trade, at the Business Success Center (BSC) and Texas Entrepreneurs Networks (TEN) First Looks Forum in October was an eye opener.
I compose, perform, teach and am currently a student at the University of Texas, and am also about to graduate soon. I have a tough time balancing the aforementioned and trying to get higher paying gigs. [Read more…]
Can a Virtual CFO give you all this? Maybe.
Outsourcing your financial management to a Virtual Chief Financial Officer may make sense.
You may be tempted to be part of the virtual revolution: virtual office space, virtual secretary, virtual business? My partner, Jan Triplett, steps in as a Virtual Marketing Officer for our clients. She helps set up alliances, creates sales channels, runs trade shows, and recommends and implements sales strategy to find right prospects and keep the best platinum profile customers™.
Maybe you’re thinking about it because you…
Worth reading if you’re considering investing in or using crowdfunding for your business.
Crowdfunding, is also known as hyper funding, crowd financing, and equity crowdfunding.
Crowdfunding or crowd funding is defined in Wikipedia as “the collective cooperation, attention and trust by people who network and pool their money and other resources together, usually via the internet, to support efforts initiated by other people or organizations.” [Read more…]
Look out world, here it comes. You read it here first. After a “gazillion” years of how business grants work, the world has changed. Maybe for good!
Who did it? Chase Bank and LivingSocial. (In full disclosure we are going after this grant. We want to use the money to take our Owners MBA™ for existing business online, add ebooks, apps, and include special segments for veterans, rural business owners, and owners who are disabled. We also want to create an owners community as we did for our Entrepreneurs’ Association in the 1990’s.)
Why did they do it? It depends on whom you ask.
What’s different? [Read more…]
Focus on Platinum Profile Prospects™.
On June 25th I’m going to be speaking at the BSC B2B Meetup in Austin about finding the best prospects and firing the worst customers. It’s one of my favorite subjects because it’s got a huge payoff.