Focus on Platinum Profile Prospects™.
On June 25th I’m going to be speaking at the BSC B2B Meetup in Austin about finding the best prospects and firing the worst customers. It’s one of my favorite subjects because it’s got a huge payoff.
Top 3 Savings Benefits of Focusing on Platinum Profile Prospects™
- Saves time; makes time available to concentrate on higher value prospects who may require more resources and effort.
- Saves aggravation. Even the most seasoned salesperson doesn’t like to be misled. It can really put you off your game — especially if you were counting on that sale.
- Saves cash. It can be very expensive to travel and spend time with the wrong prospects. Not going after “low hanging fruit” can make you money in the short term and in the long run.
Top 3 Savings Benefits of Firing Radioactive Waste Customers™
Beware of hazardous customers.
Saves time. Don’t waste time on customers who don’t appreciate what you provide. These customers drive off better customers. Or, you have to take time explaining to those good customers why you put up with the bad and the ugly. A client of mine who ran a bookstore had just this problem. It really hurt how she was viewed by others and almost destroyed the positioning she worked hard to achieve.
- Saves you from doing something desperate. I don’t recommend hitting or killing R.A.W. customers but it can be tempting to put them or yourself out of your misery. These people (and you’re always dealing with the people) are too needy, too irritating, ungrateful…you can supply more words.
- Saves you from going crazy. I have a joke that our state mental hospital has a special room set aside for owners who have these kinds of customers. I used to work for one as Assistant Director of Staff Development before I started the business so I’ve seen this firsthand. Just kidding!

Stay out of the Haz Yard of radio active waste customers.™ Photo by Alan Light from flickr.com
You can think of more benefits for both of these — and examples, I’m sure.
This is how to turn your business around or expand it. All you need to know now is how to do this. For that, I’ll see you at the B2B Meetup at 6:30 PM CST at the Business Success Center, 7600 Burnet Rd. #130. Be sure to RSVP. We do allow for call-ins but I need some warning so let me know if you want to join us through Skype.
If you absolutely can’t wait, read some of my other posts on Platinum Profiles. Just search this site. Here’s one to get you started. It talks about the 4 parts of a platinum profile™.
Now, it’s your turn to tell me your happy prospect and horrible customer stories. How about it?
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