The February BSC Wisdom Webinar and Work Session focused on Providers — how to choose, evaluate, and manage them better for both of you. Attendees added some great ideas from their own experiences. Check it out here:
10 ways to give employees what they want

Even the biggest “carrot” can’t necessarily motivate staff. You need to find out what will. This picture is of the historical site of the Carrot Campaign, Port Hardy, British Colombia. Canada. It’s a symbol of government road building promises dangled in front of islanders since 1897 according to Wikipedia. (Photo by Diesel Demon
Do you know what motivates your employees?
Your employees should be grateful for their jobs, right? Satisfied? Motivated? But, they seem hesitant. It’s as if they’ve just put their heads down and are trying to bull their way through each day. How can you lead them if they aren’t motivated? You can’t.
What’s your Employee Leadership IQ? IQ as used here stands for Information Quotient. How’s yours when it comes to understanding and working with your staff? Leaders lead people; managers manage things. If you’re going to have a successful business, you have to lead successfully. To lead successfully, you want to hear and understand their priorities and motivators.
There are plenty of studies about understanding motivation. One of the most basic is the Ohio State University scholarly study (, a version of which I have used for years with everyone from police departments, to government employees, to small businesses. This 2020 blog from Smarp, the Top 15 employee motivation tips, has an excellent infographic that is worth studying. Jeff Miller’s 2017 article in Inc., 3 Important things you need to know about motivation, is more manager-focused than employee-focused but can be useful. The most useful research is to do your own. Keep reading for my recommendation.
However, it really comes down to really hearing what your employees have to say and responding to their needs and desires. One motivator doesn’t usually cover everyone because everyone is unique. There is one truth about motivated people, they motivate others. They motivate people to stay with you and new people to work for you.
Doubt this uniqueness? Want to measure your Leadership IQ? Here’s a simple and quick little experiment using the Employee Priority Motivator Tool™.

This list originally came from an informal class, Understanding and Working with People, offered at the The University of Texas at Austin but its origins go back even further to a study by James R. Lindner ( You may want to add to the list based on ideas from your employees, team leaders, or managers. I recommend you at least keep these 10.
- Using the tool above, rank each item from 1— 10 in terms of what you think are the motivating priorities of each employee.
- Then ask supervisors or managers to do the same thing.
- Finally ask each employee to rank the list for themselves. You can also ask them to rank the list for teammates.
- Now, compare what you thought, what supervisors thought, and what employees said about themselves and others.
There’s almost always a huge disconnect. When we have asked clients to do this, the owners, managers, and team leaders seem sure they know beforehand what motivates their employees. They are almost always surprised with what people say. Even in tough economic times, the employee motivator is not what they or you might expect.
If there isn’t a big difference in your results, congratulations! You’re on course to understanding and motivating your people. This will make leadership a lot easier. We are motivated by what will get us what we want (or value) within our unique timeline.
To get or keep employees motivated, keep checking. You also want to make sure they get what they need or show them that there’s real progress being made in that direction.
My final thought is: no matter what, take some action to find out what you need to do to motivate people. Don’t just jump in and hope you’ve got your employee motivation right. That’s a great way to waste a lot of money and effort.
Commercial Bug Problems — Be Prepared for the Holidays
It’s time to get out your holiday decorations for your commercial property!
You can save yourself a host of bug problems when you know what to look for when you unpack seasonal items.
- Have a good light, a fly swatter, a plastic trash bag & even a vacuum cleaner ready when you unpack to keep pests from escaping into your home.
- Don’t stick your hand into places you cannot see, and wear gloves.
- Inspect for chewed holes, shredded materials, spider webs and pepper-like specs of fecal matter, especially in cardboard boxes, paper products, books, Halloween costumes and other clothes where many insects such as silverfish, moths and roaches live and feed. Predators such as brown recluse spiders and scorpions enjoy dining on these pests and may also be hiding in these places.
Be aware and have a safe and happy holiday.
If you want more info or if you have questions, you may call Kitty Kestenbaum at Term-Trol at 512-836-3309.
(Editor’s Note: Kitty Kestenbaum is a pioneer and industry leader in Integrated Pest Management, the effective, least toxic pest prevention and management system.)
Pretend Friends in Social Media?
I just finished listening to a Wade Harman podcast, his first. His guests were Mark Traphagen and Jay Baer, social media biggies.
I like Wade because despite our age difference there is a resonance which started when I discovered that he had been a coal miner and lives in Virginia. No great details but I grew up in Hazard, Kentucky, a coal mining town. Wade escaped his coal miner drudgery by becoming a social media dude. I joined the US Air Force days after graduating from high school and escaped a future with few possibilities.
I liked what Wade had to say. I liked him especially in this first podcast where he acted as moderator with two Internet / Social Media gurus. Their topic was “The Pretend Friends of Social Media”. It makes you reconsider the people that you only know via social media. Are they really friends? Do you know much about them? Would you hang out with them in real life?
Listen to this hour-long podcast. It will be worth your time.
My First Use of Fiverr
In my studies of web development, social media, and online marketing, I have frequently been tempted to outsource things that I cannot do. But until this week, I have never done so.
What’s different about this week? Well, I’ve been following a very interesting guy called Jaime Buckely, a writer, an artist, and all around good guy. I bought a bundle of his writing and as a consequence, I got onto his mailing list.
On Tuesday, I received an email from him telling about how he is doing drawings and other things on Fiverr, a service where you can contract to get certain things done for $5. The first thing I saw was this picture of a decrepit Teddy Bear at
This immediately stirred up my adrenaline.
Years ago, around 1974 or so, my son, Chris had a teddy bear named Georgewell. He carried that teddy for a very long time. Over the years, Georgewell moved with us from Arizona to Texas to Virginia and back to Texas.
Somewhere along the way, one of our dogs worried Georgewell to death and all that remains is his stuffing which we still carry with us when we move.
My son, Chris now has a son, Thomas.
My wife says she’s going to use the Georgewell innards to create a new stuffed animal for ToMas (as I call him) but that has not happened yet.
Recently I started following Jaime Buckley, a man whose work ethic and family orientation appeals to me. He recently started offering some of this work on Fiverr. Of particular interest to me is this image that reminds me so much of the elder Georgewell a while before his canine-induced demise.
I plan on sharing this image with my son and printing a copy of it for ToMas to hang on his wall amid the SuperHero images.
Dang, I think I’m displaying a bit of nostalgia.
My best to Jaime Buckley for helping me stroll down MY memory lane.