It’s time to get out your holiday decorations for your commercial property!
You can save yourself a host of bug problems when you know what to look for when you unpack seasonal items.
- Have a good light, a fly swatter, a plastic trash bag & even a vacuum cleaner ready when you unpack to keep pests from escaping into your home.
- Don’t stick your hand into places you cannot see, and wear gloves.
- Inspect for chewed holes, shredded materials, spider webs and pepper-like specs of fecal matter, especially in cardboard boxes, paper products, books, Halloween costumes and other clothes where many insects such as silverfish, moths and roaches live and feed. Predators such as brown recluse spiders and scorpions enjoy dining on these pests and may also be hiding in these places.
Be aware and have a safe and happy holiday.
If you want more info or if you have questions, you may call Kitty Kestenbaum at Term-Trol at 512-836-3309.
(Editor’s Note: Kitty Kestenbaum is a pioneer and industry leader in Integrated Pest Management, the effective, least toxic pest prevention and management system.)