I just finished listening to a Wade Harman podcast, his first. His guests were Mark Traphagen and Jay Baer, social media biggies.
I like Wade because despite our age difference there is a resonance which started when I discovered that he had been a coal miner and lives in Virginia. No great details but I grew up in Hazard, Kentucky, a coal mining town. Wade escaped his coal miner drudgery by becoming a social media dude. I joined the US Air Force days after graduating from high school and escaped a future with few possibilities.
I liked what Wade had to say. I liked him especially in this first podcast where he acted as moderator with two Internet / Social Media gurus. Their topic was “The Pretend Friends of Social Media”. It makes you reconsider the people that you only know via social media. Are they really friends? Do you know much about them? Would you hang out with them in real life?
Listen to this hour-long podcast. It will be worth your time.