Your blueprint for success in business
Profit Mover™ Advisory Team
(Read more information about the Profit Mover Advisory Team™, PMAT™)
Start HERE: Discuss your business with the PMAT™ team in a one hour work and planning session. This is a paid session but if you don’t feel it was worth your time, you don’t pay. To set a meeting, contact Marsha@ownersview.com.
Meet with the PMAT™ (Profit Mover Advisory Team™), management experts in all six business functions: Sales, Marketing, Operations, Finance, Administration, Books & Records Management. Our goal is to help you get answers and direction to grow your business and revenue and possibly find investors.
You may request to be considered for the Profit Improver™ program for team management of your growth which includes six months work with the team in advisory sessions plus direct assistance to get specific goals accomplished.
We have also just added three focused Profit Improver™ programs: C-GAP (Contracting and Grant Assistance), IBA (International Business Assistance)., and SMAA (Sales, Market, and Alliance Assistance). These are provided by 2-3 PMAT™ member specialist teams.
Details on all the BSC growth management programs
Profit Mover™ 2019 Team Members:
• Jan Triplett & Daniel Diener, Business Success Center & PMAT founders and leaders (international, contracting and grant, and sales and marketing IBA, SMAA and C-GAP Profit Improver™ experts)
• Nick Apel, Farmers Insurance
• Patricia Bauer-Slate, Patricia’s Lunchbox (food business and sales and marketing SMAA™ Profit Improver™ expert)
• Bill Combes, No Time for Social (sales and marketing SMAA™ Profit Improver™ expert)
• Andrew Eisenberg, Intellectual Property Attorney, Lee & Hayes
• Michael Grant, Swift Passage Trading, (international business — IBA™ and SMAA™ Profit Improver™ expert)
• Karen Hilz, Ph.D., (contracting expert — C-GAP™ Profit Improver™ expert)
• Francoise Luca, Westview Marketing (international and sales and marketing IBA™ and SMAA™ Profit Improver™ expert)
• Paula Pierce, Business Attorney, P Pierce Law
• Steve Pearson, Pearson Strategy Group
• Sandra Stenzel, SK Strategies (former creator of Bid Resource Centers & leader of the Entrepreneurs’ Association Contracting Assistance Program — C-GAP™ Profit Improver™ expert)
• Yoshi Takada, (international business — IBA Profit Improver™ expert)
Profit Improver™ Business Development and Assistance Areas:
1. Business Model and Plan, Alliance Building, Workflow, Internal Governance — Policies and Procedures, & Pricing
2. Contracts, Legal Issues & Regulatory Compliance
3. Finance/tax
4. Sales, Marketing, Social Media & Alliance Building (SMAA™)
5. Funding
6. Management & Admin (Books and Records HR Compliance)
7. Insurance
8. Local, state and federal contracting and grants assistance (C-GAP™)
9. Go Global (IBA™— international business support with Asia, Central and Eastern Europe focus)
10. Food Business (including CPG — packaged goods)
Below are some pictures from our seminars and advisory sessions provided to owners throughout Central Texas.
FAQs on our business experts
- All advisors are active, experienced business leaders with special areas of expertise and a wide range of experience.
- Some are investors.
- All of us also give our time to help others.