Secret Cabal of Bloggers Group, started to help bloggers help fellow bloggers. Graphic by Julie Gomoll, Jules Says.
I think I am pretty organized. I think I am disciplined. But, boy oh boy sometimes I need a little help from my friends.
Especially when it comes to blogs. I don’t know about you but I sometimes get writer’s block when it comes to blogs. Or I get started and then get pulled away to do other critical things. So I have several half done that I really want to finish.
My friend Julie Gomoll and I decided to do something about that for others like me. We are co- hosting our first blogging party get together to “get one done and posted” this coming Tuesday, Dec. 21, 2-4pm at our BSC (Business Success Center) offices Chase Bank Blg 7600 Burnet Rd. We are located across from St. Louis Catholic Church/cross street is Northcross Blvd – go in the tower, not the bank.
The goal: to inspire each other and other fellow bloggers. The clublet is called The Secret Cabal of Bloggers. Click for more info and register at EventBrite.
Bring your laptop and we’ll provide munchies. Walk away with your next post and new friends.
No charge. Not a class. Only requirement is your willingness to share ideas, support and encourage others. “It can take a village of business owners to finish a blog.”
We hope to make blogging fun again.
Hope to see you there.
Here’s to our success!
May 2012 Update: We’re still meeting. 2nd Monday of each month from 2-4CST. Some people now join us via Skype or GotoMeeting. We call it Bloggers United and all who blog are welcome. You need to RSVP so contact me at my address on this website. My co-host is Lindsey Allen, Chief Explorer of Exploring New Media. Julie Gomoll has been working on the Austin Blogathons with Eileen Hadad. She’s doing great work getting other bloggers going and writing posts at her new blog at QueenofPoints.com.