Your best customer wants something specific to happen when they use your product or service.
It’s common wisdom that what people want is a solution. There is even a school of sales training and many books around the concept of “solution selling”.
I disagree. Not everyone wants a solution, i.e. something solved.
Sometimes they want and need something else. Not everything is a “problem” for a customer; sometimes, it’s a “gap” that needs to be filled. I talk to my clients about “gaps” not “problems”.
I referred to these five valued outcomes in my “Best Practices in Pricing” session at ProductCamp Austin. (My slides from the session are on Slideshare .)
In my 30 years experience, there are actually six different results a customer values. The one to stress as a benefit and to base your product or services features depends on the Platinum Customer Profile™ of your best customers. [Read more…]