RG4N worked to keep Austin Neighborhood & Small Independent Business friendly.
Next month, it will be four years since I became the Business Liaison Chair for Responsible Growth for Northcross (RG4N).
I chose to get involved because I am a business owner, a small business activist and I live and work in the area.
Last night was the VIP opening of the more neighborhood-sized WalMart on Anderson Lane in Austin, Texas. The RG4N board was invited and several of us went including the original President, Paige Hill.
Our efforts to stop the supercenter were not about size as much as about the impact of that size. That impact includes traffic, litter, security, safety issues for those with disabilities, crime, air and water quality. It was also about the impact on locally owned stores that do not fare well with a big box, especially a WalMart, nearby. [Read more…]